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Archive for the tag “nuclear power”

And We Need Nuclear Power…Why?

This is a solar power plant in Spain (so claims the internet. If someone knows otherwise, do tell!). Is it as efficient as a nuclear power plant? Nope. Does it produce as much power? Nope. Is it significantly larger? Oh yeah. Big time.

On the other hand, it doesn’t pollute the groundwater, leaves no radioactive residue with a half-life of a few millions years, isn’t reliant on a nonrenewable power source, cannot possibly have a catastrophic meltdown that irradiates the entire area for decades, makes for a poor target for terrorists, can be put anywhere with some open land and a lot of sunshine (did you know the United States has its very own desert?) and, not for nothing, is quite lovely to look at.

So tell me again, why do we need nuclear power again?

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