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Archive for the category “Early Morning Metal”

Early Morning Metal! Pantera: Walk!

Because nothing open your eyes like metal!

Re! Spect! Walk! Are you talking to me?!

Early Morning Metal: Run To The Hills!

Because nothing opens your eyes like METAL!

Why is metal better than pop? Because 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of pop is about A. Baby, I love you B. Baby, why don’t you love me? C. Baby, I love you but I’m leaving you D. Baby, I love you. Why are you leaving me? E. Baby, I don’t love you anymore F. Baby, I love you and I’m sorry I cheated on you G. Are you seeing a pattern here?

On the other hand, metal gives you songs like this:

Not So Early Morning Metal: Everything Dies

An observation I once made to my friend: This video proves that no matter how many tattoos you have or how heavy your metal, no one can look tough while playing an electronic keyboard.

Early Morning Metal!! Jesus Built My Hot Rod

Because nothing opens your eyes like Metal! There is no use trying to talk. No human sound can stand up to this. Loud enough to knock you down. Burnout!

Early Morning Metal!

Because nothing opens your eyes like Metal! Especially with creepy puppets!

Early Morning Metal: Pretty Kitty Edition

Because nothing opens your eyes like Metal! And the Insane Kitty Posse…

Early Morning Metal

Because nothing opens your eyes like Metal!

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